Raw material management: time to go on the offensive

Raw material management will remain an essential part of the business strategy in many industries and play a crucial role in economic success. After turbulent years marked by supply shortages and rising raw material prices, there is currently a relaxation in the raw material market: prices are decreasing, and supply is becoming more balanced. Companies now have “breathing space” to develop suitable supply strategies for the future and leverage advantageous pricing mechanisms and strategies. Our white paper shows how and what you need to pay attention to.

White Paper Content:

  • Foreword
  • Key learnings and survey design
  • General influencing factors and development of raw material management
  • Relevance of nearshoring, friendshoring and the EU Critical Raw Materials Act
  • Recommendations for action

Download our White Paper for free:

Lars-Peter Häfele

Managing Director

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Justus Brinkmann


justus.brinkmann@inverto.com Contact