In our experience, many companies have established a professional risk management system or optimized their existing one since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. This risk management now serves as a basis for identifying risks that may arise as a result of the new due diligence requirements. If required, we advise on the selection and implementation of digital tools that support risk monitoring.
If risks or even violations are identified, it does not always make sense to immediately terminate the cooperation with a supplier. Instead, targets should be agreed and solutions identified to end grievances. Regular audits and voluntary commitments by suppliers support purchasing in incorporating the criteria of the Supply Chain Act into the existing supplier assessment.
In addition to risk and supplier management, we also analyze your company’s procurement processes and support the implementation of relevant measures at all levels.
We are happy to work with you to develop an adequate risk management system or optimize the existing risk management system with regard to the Supply Chain Act. We also provide support in developing a sustainability strategy that includes environmental and climate protection targets in addition to human rights aspects, and work with you to design the path to decarbonization.