I am Marianne Kaas Fürst, 33 years old, raised and born in Copenhagen, Denmark, and mother of two children, named Benedicte and Harald.
What’s your story Marianne?
What are you doing at Inverto?
I am a Principal in the Danish office where I am involved in a lot of acquisition work (e.g. sales pitches and client meetings) as well as delivering on projects. My last project was an opportunity assessment on inbound logistics of raw material. Further to this, I am part of the Competence Center on Sustainable Procurement.
You found the job of your dreams at Inverto, of course – if Inverto wouldn`t exist, what would have become of you and why? Any hidden dreams?
For sure a doctor. I would love to cure people and understand all mechanisms in the body.
Do you have a special ritual at work and why do you like it?
Always say hi and goodbye to everyone in the office. I love spending time with my colleagues and not always do we manage to have a lot of time together. By just saying hi and goodbye you still show you care about one another.
Which concert have you visited lastly and how was it?
My last concert was with Elton John several years ago – and I cannot wait to go to my next!