Each service outsourcing case is different, and no client will face identical challenges. In the case of our client, we leveraged three key success factors that were instrumental in unlocking the anticipated outsourcing value. These factors are universally applicable across healthcare service outsourcing.
Firstly, we ensured that patient requirements were met by putting the patients first. Taking a patient-centric approach meant that we considered patient needs at every step of the way. By putting the patient at the centre of what we did, we were able to build support amongst stakeholders and help the suppliers to focus on what really added value for the patients.
Secondly, we brought the clients onside by adopting a multi-stakeholder approach. This ensured critical buy-in for this first-generation outsourcing project by close involvement of all key affected stakeholders such as local site directors, nutrition experts, service quality managers, etc.
Finally, we leveraged the suppliers´ expertise and achieved the right balance between competition and collaboration with the suppliers. On the one hand, we ensured that a good level of competition was kept during the whole RFP process, on the other hand we used their capabilities in demonstrating outsourcing benefits very pragmatically, e.g., in joint food tasting workshops.
But what did the client appreciate the most from the new solution?
There were several key benefits that the client appreciated the most from the new solution.
By leveraging external expertise to find a solution to their healthcare challenges they were able to increase transparency and measure the service quality on precisely defined KPIs. Based on this, client and supplier could take ad-hoc measures to improved patient satisfaction and establish an ongoing improvement process.
Secondly, by ensuring clarity around the roles and responsibilities for internal and external parties, the client was able to deliver improvements in resource efficiency. Better resource allocation mitigates the risks of healthcare labour shortages.
Finally, the double-digit percentage savings the outsourcing generated meant that our client was able to free up investment on value-adding services to help grow their business and serve the needs of more patients.