Achats durables

Complying with sustainability regulations: the crucial role of...
Achats durables

Complying with sustainability regulations: the crucial role of...

At a time when sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a global imperative, companies must increasingly navigate a complex landscape of sustainability policy regulations. These regulations, which aim to reduce environmental impact and promote social responsibility, are fundamentally changing

Procurement meets Olympics
Achats durables

Procurement meets Olympics

The Olympic Games – a one-of-a-kind procurement project! The 2024 Games in Paris will see purchases of €2.5 billion from 8,000 suppliers. These Games aim to set new standards in terms of sustainability, social responsibility, and local value creation, offering valuable ideas for organizations worldw

Impact of the European Union Deforestation Regulation on procu...
Achats durables

Impact of the European Union Deforestation Regulation on procu...

In a long-term move towards environmental sustainability, the European Union (EU) approved a regulation in May 2023 aimed at combating deforestation.

Impact du Mécanisme d’Ajustement Carbone aux Frontières sur le...
Achats durables

Impact du Mécanisme d’Ajustement Carbone aux Frontières sur le...

Le règlement vise à lutter contre le changement climatique en réduisant de manière significative les émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

Devoir de vigilance étude: Dans quelle mesure les entreprises...
Achats durables

Devoir de vigilance étude: Dans quelle mesure les entreprises...

Le Parlement européen et les États membres de l'UE se sont mis d'accord sur la loi européenne sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement en décembre 2023. Découvrez dans quelle mesure les participants sont préparés à ces changements.

Sustainable Procurement Whitepaper 2023
Achats durables

Sustainable Procurement Whitepaper 2023

Download our recent Sustainability white paper to find about the key finding of our study, recommendations for action an further valuable insights.

Achats Responsables: IL EST TEMPS D’AGIR
Achats durables

Achats Responsables: IL EST TEMPS D’AGIR

En raison des nombreuses crises actuelles, le risque que les entreprises négligent le sujet du développement durable est omniprésent. Et c’est pourtant le bon moment pour amorcer le changement. Il est indiscutable pour tous qu’il faut agir, mais les interrogations portent sur la manière de le faire.

Sustainability Procurement Study 2022
Achats durables

Sustainability Procurement Study 2022

The results of our latest survey show how companies are progressing with their sustainability efforts.

Supply Chain Act White Paper
Achats durables

Supply Chain Act White Paper

On January 1, 2023, the new supply chain due diligence law will come into force. Download the White Paper for free.

9 in 10 businesses now have a corporate sustainability strategy
Achats durables

9 in 10 businesses now have a corporate sustainability strategy

LONDON, December 19th – 93% of businesses now have a corporate sustainability strategy in place or underway, shows research by INVERTO, the Boston Consulting Group subsidiary specializing in procurement and supply chain management.