What’s your story Thorsten?

Hello, who are you and what brought you to Inverto?

My name is Thorsten Kräft. I was born in Düsseldorf, grew up in Monheim am Rhein, and have been living in the Cologne area for more than 20 years.

In a word, I’m a real Rhinelander.

I started my professional career in consulting at Accenture after studying business administration at the University of Cologne and doing my Master’s at CEMS with placements in India, Norway, and Poland. I developed my passion for procurement shortly afterwards, initially at Henkel and then at E-Plus/Telefonica before things came full circle at Inverto. I started with consultancy, then procurement, and now procurement consultancy.

I came across Inverto by chance through an old classmate and long-standing colleague from Henkel who was working temporarily as a professor at a university of applied sciences and supporting Inverto as a senior expert in various consulting projects. I established contact with Inverto through him and, ultimately, the people I got to know during my conversations had such a great influence on me that I decided to make the move to Inverto.

What do you do at Inverto?

As an Associate Director at Inverto, I mainly work with customers in the industrial and chemical sectors on the implementation of cost reduction programs, process optimization, and organizational development. As a member of the Inverto Training Center (ITC), I also design customer-specific procurement and negotiation training sessions. Aside from my customer projects, recruitment and employee development are also very important to me, so I am happy to be involved in these areas too.

Do you have a favorite place?

I always think Bangkok is exciting. I’ve also been really impressed with the French coast of the English Channel ever since my last summer holiday there.

What was the coolest birthday gift you ever received?

Since the Cologne Carnival and my birthday coincide, my coolest birthday gift happens every year.

What was the last gig you went to?

Die Toten Hosen, Laune der Natour (“Freak of Natour”). It was the finale of their tour in Düsseldorf.


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